Frequently Asked Questions
How much practice will my child be required to do?
At Soundgarage we like to think of playing at home as something we do for fun rather than a chore. We don't put expectations on the students to practise every night (especially as some may not yet have the instrument available to them at home).
As students progress, practising at home will be driven by the group/band they're in, motivating them to play at home and fulfill their part in the band.
What time are the lessons held?
Soundgarage lessons are held during the school day. Students are withdrawn from class to attend their music lesson.
We try our very best to avoid scheduling lessons during specialist subjects e.g. PE, Art or language.
What will my child miss in class while attending their lesson?
We try our best not to schedule lessons during a specialist subject e.g. PE, Art and Language. However, as lessons are on a withdrawal basis, students will miss some class time. Classroom teachers are aware of the Soundgarage timetable so they can ensure students catch up on anything they missed while not in class.
At times there are special considerations with some schools and individuals. in such situations, we always work with the teachers and parents to accommodate the best that we can.
How many students are in each lesson?
In the instrumental classes (Drums, Guitar and Keyboard) we try our best to have no more than 6 students per 30 minutes. This may differ depending on the school bell schedule (e.g. 25 minute for 50 minute sessions). If there are more students in the class we often extend the lesson time.
In SAP (Singing and Performance) we allow for a few more each session. This may vary depending on the age and personalities of the students. At Prep level, students are often more comfortable with a larger group, as it allows them to sing without feeling self-conscious. We might start with a larger number and then split the class later when students are comfortable. As the students develop musically, we try to limit the class sizes back to 6 to allow for new concepts to be taught e.g. harmony and solo techniques.
Do we need to have an instrument at home?
We don't expect students to own their own instruments when beginning with Soundgarage. It is very common for students to move around from one instrument to another in the early days of learning music, so we recommend waiting until you are confident your child has settled on one particular instrument before purchasing.
In the meantime, borrowing an instrument from family or friends is also a good idea.
If you already have an instrument, our teachers will happily provide music or chord charts to work on at home.
Does the enrolment carry over each term?
Yes, we will carry your child's enrolment over to the next Term unless notified prior to commencement of that term. If you are going on a long holiday or there is a reason your child will be absent for an extended period of time, it is best to contact the Soundgarage manager of your child's school to discuss options (or withdrawal if necessary). Please notify your school's Soundgarage manager of any absences in the term prior to your absence.