Brookside Guitar
with Denise
Welcome to the guitar page
Hi Brookside students and families, My name is Denise and I am one of the teachers part of SoundGarage.
I teach multiple different instruments both in schools and privately, sharing my passion for music. I welcome you to check out the Guitar page with many music resources. if you have any questions or enquiries, you can contact me via email at .
Guitar Intro
You can use this website to practice your instrument.
Look over to the tools panel on the left and select your instrument to start playing!
For a jump start into guitar check out these short powerpoints with all the basics you need to know to strum like a pro!

Weekly Exercises / Homework:
Week 3:
String identification (main focus this week is on G, B, E)
Warm up open strings (Extra)
Finger numbers
Fret identification (Em, C, G) with sponge
Time signature and rhythm 4/4 (up down muted technique) (Extra)