Brookside SAP
with Denise
Welcome to the Singing and performance page
Hi Brookside students and families, My name is Denise and I am one of the teachers part of SoundGarage.
I teach multiple different instruments both in schools and privately, sharing my passion for music. I welcome you to check out the SAP page with many singing resources. if you have any questions or enquiries, you can contact me via email at .
Preparing our voices for singing:
breathing technique
first we will start our vocal warm up by focusing on our breathing. When we sing, we breath from our diaphram. We will spend a minute or two each lesson focusing on our breath.
Weekly Exercises / Homework:
Week 3:
Focus on articulation of vowels making sure each letter is pronounced clear.
Articulation / Melody
In these songs we will be focussing on the articulation of words. What this means is that we are looking at the clarity of words and phrases. A warm up we can do for this song is 1 121, breaking up the numbers so they are very clear and pronounced.

In these songs we are going to focus on something called dynamics. Dynamics are the volume at which we sing whether we sing softly (p) or loudly (f).

Pitch jumps
In these songs we are working on pitch jumps between low and high, we can practice this a number of ways such as using solfa hand signs and singing sirens from low to high or high to low. A suggestion for jumping pitches and hitting the right note is to jump above the note rather than below and make sure you are opening your mouth wide to let out your voice.

Just Dance Era
Dont Forget to sing along to the lyrics!!!