Footscray West Keyboard 

With Henry

On this page you'll find sheet music we've been working on in class, as well as instrumental tutorials and other resources to help advance your playing.

7 nation army.pdf

Don't have an instrument to practice at home? no worries! 

Keyboard Basics to get you started!

SB ECP Keys_CDEFGAB Video.mp4

Lesson 1: The Names Of the keys


Chicken Claw_First Draft.mp4

lesson 2: how to play chords (Chicken Claw)

If your hand is too small, to play them all, puts your hands together for the Chicken Claw!

Simple Chords

Below you'll find some short lessons on how to play simple chords (triads). Listen to the rhythm first, then play!

lesson 3: C Major

C Major Strum 2021.mp4

Lesson 3: F Major

F Major Strum 2021.mp4

lesson 3: A Minor

A Minor Strum 2021.mp4

lesson 4: G major

G Major Strum 2021.mp4

Lesson 4: E Minor

E Minor Strum 2021.mp4

LEsson 4: D major

D Major Strum 2021.mp4

Play Along Songs

Play along 1 medley

Get ready for C, F, Am, and G!

ECP Keyboard Play Along Version 1 All Instruments.mp4

Play Along Song 1: "Thunder"-imagine Dragons

C, F, and Am

SG ECP Keys Thunder.mp4

play along song 2- "Best Day Of My Life"

D and G, then Bm, D, Em, G...and Riff!

SG ECP Keys_Best Day Of My Life.mp4

Play Along Song 1: "Thunder" by imagine Dragons

SG ECP Keys Thunder.mp4

C, F, and Am

Play Along Song 2- "Best Day Of My Life" by American Authors

SG ECP Keys_Best Day Of My Life.mp4

D and G, then Bm, D, Em, G...and Riff!

Play Along Song 3- "Choir" by Guy Sebastian

SG ECP Keys Choir.mp4

Don't forget in the Chorus, we play Gm, Am, C quickly!  

Add left hand bass notes for an extra challenge! 

Play Along Song 4- "Fire and the Flood" by Vance Joy

SG 2021 Fire And The Flood Keys.mp4

Remember the Verse is only two chords, F and Bb.

Try playing the Riff with bass notes first, then with chords in the left hand! 

Play Along Song 5- "Take On Me" by Ah-Ha

Soundgarage 2021_Take On Me Keys.mp4

This song is very advanced!

Try learning the chords first, then the riff, then the Bridge!

The bridge only happens once!

Coldplay x The Chainsmokers - Something Just Like This (Play Along)

Song Resources

You'll find a bunch of song resources here! Simply place your fingers where the circles are to play each chord.

Try playing these chords along with the song on Youtube.