Terms and Conditions
Information on enrolment, lessons and fees below
Soundgarage lessons run all year (Term 1-4) and are scheduled during usual classroom time (around specialist subjects).
Lesson are held in small groups to allow students to experience playing/performing as a group and 1:1 teacher tuition.
Students will receive a minimum of 8 lessons per term. In most terms this is often exceeded however will depend on student absence, unexpected timetable disruptions and/or teacher absence.
Students are able to participate in an end of year concert in Term 4 which is usually held at the school campas
Fees and invoicing
The cost to participate in Soundgarage music lessons is $180 per instrument, per term.
Invoices are sent to students’ parent/caregiver directly via email and can be paid via an active link embedded into the invoice.
Fees are payable IN ADVANCE for the term and there are no refunds for children who drop out during the term.
Cut off timeframes apply to students who have unpaid invoices, which may impact participation in the program/concert.
Registration and Enrolment
Soundgarage utilise a secure web-based platform for collecting registration, enrollment, and payment information.
Lessons are allocated and filled in a first in, first allocated basis. We encourage early registration and payment to secure a spot in the Soundgarage program and in your preferred instrument
Students will be allocated to a lessons/class based on their age/experience and invoices will be sent out via email provided prior to the commencement of Term.
Withdrawal from Soundgarage
If you wish to withdraw your child from the program, the Soundgarage Manager must be informed by email or phone.
This needs to happen in the Term PRIOR to the term of withdrawal so that groups and teachers can be organised ahead of any change.
Make up lessons
Unfortunately, lessons lost due to student illness or school activities cannot be made up. Circumstances such as long-term illness etc. can be discussed with The Soundgarage Manager and appropriate arrangements can be made.
If, for reasons beyond the control of Soundgarage, such as school closures, building programs etc. we are unable to access our teaching spaces, this may affect the number of lessons we are able to offer. Please understand that we cannot guarantee that any lost lessons will be made up under circumstances such as these.
If your child is going on an extended holiday during the Term, we ask that you contact the Soundgarage Manager, the Term prior, so that options can be discussed for the term ahead.
The Soundgarage way
Soundgarage follows a contemporary approach to music education that recognises the importance of students connecting with their music.
We tailor classes to engage students' interest and unique learning styles.
Soundgarage values are LEARN. PLAY. YOUR WAY
For any queries, feedback or to discuss further please reach out to:
Maddie Apostolopoulos (Soundgarage Manager)
0401 844 522
or visit the FAQ page HERE